I write

I write

I'm Thomas R. Weaver, author of Artificial Wisdom. I write stories about tomorrow to help make sense of today.
I'm Thomas R. Weaver, author of Artificial Wisdom. I write stories about tomorrow to help make sense of today.
Image of Property
Image of Property

"Marcus Tully pitched the tumbler as hard as he could at the screen. It slipped through the floating image and shattered against his study wall in a burst of golden rum."

"Marcus Tully pitched the tumbler as hard as he could at the screen. It slipped through the floating image and shattered against his study wall in a burst of golden rum."

"Marcus Tully pitched the tumbler as hard as he could at the screen. It slipped through the floating image and shattered against his study wall in a burst of golden rum."

Artificial Wisdom by Thomas R. Weaver. Chapter One excerpt.

Artificial Wisdom by Thomas R. Weaver. Chapter One excerpt.

An enthralling murder mystery with a vividly realised future world, forcing readers to grapple hard hitting questions about the climate crisis, our relationship with Artificial Intelligence and the price we would be willing to pay, as a species, to be saved. Perfect for fans of Blake Crouch, Neal Stephenson, Philip K Dick, Kim Stanley Robinson and RR Haywood.

An enthralling murder mystery with a vividly realised future world, forcing readers to grapple hard hitting questions about the climate crisis, our relationship with Artificial Intelligence and the price we would be willing to pay, as a species, to be saved. Perfect for fans of Blake Crouch, Neal Stephenson, Philip K Dick, Kim Stanley Robinson and RR Haywood.

An enthralling murder mystery with a vividly realised future world, forcing readers to grapple hard hitting questions about the climate crisis, our relationship with Artificial Intelligence and the price we would be willing to pay, as a species, to be saved. Perfect for fans of Blake Crouch, Neal Stephenson, Philip K Dick, Kim Stanley Robinson and RR Haywood.

Listen to chapter one, free

What they say

What they say

What they say


Best Technothriller


Best Sci-Fi


Best Global Thriller


Best Adult Fiction

Image of Mom with Kid
picture of Thomas R. Weaver sitting on some steps

Alongside writing, Thomas is a tech entrepreneur. His last startup was acquired by Just Eat Takeaway. He still plays and builds new technology alongside his work on a sequel to Artificial Wisdom, and a seperate new sci-fi thriller.

Artificial Wisdom was originally published under his own indie label, Chainmaker Press, before the global rights were sold to Penguin Random House for rerelease in fall 2025, with the sequel to follow in 2026.

Alongside writing, Thomas is a tech entrepreneur. His last startup was acquired by Just Eat Takeaway. He still plays and builds new technology alongside his work on a sequel to Artificial Wisdom, and a seperate new sci-fi thriller.

Artificial Wisdom was originally published under his own indie label, Chainmaker Press, before the global rights were sold to Penguin Random House for rerelease in fall 2025, with the sequel to follow in 2026.

Image of Mom with Kid

Alongside writing, Thomas is a tech entrepreneur. His last startup was acquired by Just Eat Takeaway. He still plays and builds new technology alongside his work on a sequel to Artificial Wisdom, and a seperate new sci-fi thriller.

Artificial Wisdom was originally published under his own indie label, Chainmaker Press, before the global rights were sold to Penguin Random House for rerelease in fall 2025, with the sequel to follow in 2026.

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© 2024 Thomas R. Weaver


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I love hearing from readers — and even more from fans.

© 2024 Thomas R. Weaver


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I love hearing from readers — and even more from fans.

© 2024 Thomas R. Weaver
